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Indigenous Planting


Indigenous plants are original Australian native plants that occur naturally in a particular area. They could also be called "local natives" and they are not only very special, but very important.


There are a large variety of beautiful indigenous plants to choose from: trees, shrubs, ground covers, sedges, grasses, lawns, flowering plants, climbers, herbs, aquatic plants and much more!!!

We can also find indigenous plants for any purpose, area, condition and climate.


Australia is an amazing due to its natural treasures, like its unique fauna, flora, ecosystems and landscapes. Unfortunately, we are rapidly losing them, including its precious original vegetation, because it is removed for new developments, and on top of that, it is replaced with exotic plants that don’t belong here.


  • Indigenous plants are perfectly adapted to their local conditions such as soil, humidity and climate, due to millions of years of evolution; therefore, they easily thrive in their areas of origin.

  • They don’t need to be sprayed to keep healthy, due to their greater and natural resistance to diseases and plagues.

  • With no need for toxic and polluting pesticides, having indigenous gardens is more healthy and environmentally friendly.

  • They are perfectly adapted to the soil conditions of their areas, so there is no need for fertilisers. This also has an environmental benefit, since fertilisers are a terrible source of pollution, particularly for rivers, lakes and oceans.

  • They need little watering after planting, but once established, indigenous plants do not need to be watered. This is very important considering that Australia is one of the driest countries in the world, with unpredictable weather patterns. Water is a precious commodity which should not be wasted trying to keep alive exotic gardens.

  • They are low maintenance plants, so keeping indigenous gardens are less time consuming and less labour demanding. 

  • With no need for watering, spraying or fertilising, indigenous gardens are also less expensive to keep.

  • They are fast growing plants, which often flower within the first season of being planted.

  • They are easy to propagate.

  • They become important habitats, providing the right food and shelter to the local wildlife. 

  • They promote the presence of balanced populations of different species of native animals, adding colour, fun and beauty to all gardens.

  • They won’t become environmental weeds like many exotic plants which are invading, threatening and destroying many natural habitats, ecosystems and commercial crops.

  • They reflect the natural character of the area, preserving and enhancing its local identity.

  • They are less expensive to buy. Most indigenous plants are propagated within community and volunteer based nurseries, with the purpose of promoting re-vegetation and habitat restoration rather than profit gain.

  • They truly represent Australia’s diversity, beauty, resilience and uniqueness.

  • By planting them, we can protect rare and threatened local species from extinction.

flowering plants, climbers, trees, lawns, aquatics, grown covers, sedges, herbs, shrubs, grasses, bushes....

introduced environmental weeds invading and destroying native forest by taking space, nutrients, sun light and water from them, as well as preventing their natural revegetation process


With all the natural riches Australia has, there is no need to bring any other plant for ornamental purposes.

We have nothing to envy to any other country, so we don't need to replicate them here. They natural riches are beautiful where they are, and so are ours.


For 35 million years, all forms of life have been evolving and adapting to this land, creating the most amazing, yet very fragile ecosystems.

Loving this country is appreciating and respecting its natural beauty.


All efforts to protect, enhance and restore all natural habitats are very important. By preserving them, we can ensure the long term survival of all wildlife forms, including ours.


For a list of indigenous nurseries in Victoria, go to: 





When you have an indigenous garden, you will be able to enjoy the wonders of this land, with lots of colours, sounds, beauty and interesting things to discover every day!

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